Many of us experience this at some time. I’ve had my share of them through the years. They can be quite stressful, and even diminish your joy in life – depending on how well they play the part. Fake Friends, who needs them? Not you, not me. This is an excellent article I found that will help you identify them, because some of us can find them a little confusing; how much they really care or maybe do they care at all? They can be quite a disturbing influence and be somewhat complex in nature. These days, such people abound. After reading the following, you will have no doubt in your mind, and know exactly what you’re dealing with, because as I say, some can be a little confusing and even affect your emotions or frame of thinking if …
Category: Not-So-Good Friendships
What Are Toxic Friends Like? How To Identify Them
This Article is a Really Good Find to place here in my Blog for you. As a part-time Independent Natural Health Researcher, I don’t favor the Medical side of things much, however, I come across some Good Articles sometimes that deserve their merits, and this is one of them. There are a lot of “Toxic People” around these days aye? And for those who have not heard of this term before, it refers to someone who has a bad effect on you; they can affect your health adversely or undermine your confidence in some way. Sad to say, some of these people have a reason for being the way they are (a bad upbringing etc) and I do feel for them. But I also feel for you, when you encounter a relationship with someone like those mentioned in the …
6 Friendship Problems You Might Face and Their Solutions
Be Aware of These Friendship Problems
By Harleena Singh from Aha Now
So many Friendships break up needlessly these days. With so much Stress around us, is it any wonder that Friends go their separate ways when something questionable or stressful comes up in their relations? Momentarily speaking, it’s just more stress than enough, we are handling aye? But if you’re interested, there are Solutions other than giving up on a Friendship that so many of us don’t realize that could save a Good Friendship or maybe even change an Average Friendship into a Good Friendship. So in the interest of such, shall we go? (Janet)
Like all relationships, friendships too have problems. But most problems in friendship have a solution. Here are the top friendship problems with solutions.
Friendship Problems You Might Face and Their Solutions
Conflicts …
Things You Can Do With Difficult Friendships
By Janet Vargas – Inspirational and Natural Health Writer
These are stressful days we are living in – there’s no doubt about that – and many people are becoming “Needs-Orientated” including Christians often, because they don’t have managing skills. These are Life Skills we all need to develop and some mistakenly expect others to have these Life Skills for them. Or worse still, they want to constantly Off-Load their problems on others as their way of coping or complaining about life and that is SIMPLY UNFAIR.
You have come to the right place if you have problematic friendships. I’ve had a few and I found what to do. Of necessity, it was a real awakening in recent times. Jesus tried to alert me some years ago and I did not take sufficient notice.
Because I was far too Caring, I did …