Many of us were brought up with busy working parents and have not learnt the skills in Making Good Friendships. This Poem gives you some Good Tips. All the best to you, each one who read this page!
Good Friends And Not-So-Good
Good Friends are considerate and some are wise
Others make their friendship a Lie.
They care mostly or always for themselves
Often leaving your wishes on a shelf.
Good Friends will share plans with you
What you where you wish to go and what you wish to do.
Others don’t really care
It’s obvious, they don’t wish to share.
Good Friends will be happy to pick up your Call
Or phone when they can and best of all
They welcome face to face contact
The others are slack.
Never caring too much for your interests
They may prefer Internet
To happy occasions
Making room for stagnation.
Good Friends always respect your wishes
Others often transgress your wishes.
Some Friends you can go nowhere with
Their apathy tells me “I want to live!”
They so often procrastinate
They do often turn up late.
A Good Friend will want to be right on time
And not speak words that are out of line.
Not-So-Good Friends don’t care how often they offend
Do not to them your Friendship lend.
If you wish for Good Friends, give it your best
Put things in God’s Hands to do the rest.
Ask Him to truly make you wise
Do not settle for those who live a Lie.
Good Friends are a Gift from God
While walking on this Earthly Sod.
Look after Good Friends that you have
This will make you often Glad.
By Janet Vargas ©2022