A SHORT STORY: The following Poem was written after making a necessary decision to cancel a friendship with a person who was alright for the first few years, and then things changed. She was very sparing in communications, and enjoying plenty of phone calls and times out with other friends. Yet she did not hesitate to spend time offloading when I invited her to a walk in the park and restaurant meal. Each time I picked her up in the car, she was finishing a call on her mobile with other friends. I had made exception for her – calling it a day – because she has a very difficult circumstance. However, I needed to consider the unpleasant one she was making for me.
I believe that the enemy of Mankind can sometimes bring the wrong people our way with friends sometimes. He is envious of us because of our Creator’s great Love for us. Wrong friendships can be very destructive and we are better off without those. Seeking Jesus in our decision making can be a good thing. That person actually likes venting repeatedly, and that just isn’t fair. She kept the nice times for other friends. So Jesus clearly gave me these words of wisdom re friendships one day “It’s alright to have compassion for others if you listen to your needs as well” and to respect my hearing when it comes to venting. I didn’t like it = I didn’t have to. Merciless repetition, no-one has to put up with in the name of Christianity – I have no church affiliations but I do love Jesus and care about people. Moving forward, this is my Victory Poem after collecting a few poor friendships.
Making My Choices Now
Some friends have really blessed me
Some others have caused me grief.
I’m calling the cards now so they can’t play hide and seek.
Yes some have brought me joy and some have brought me pain.
Until I saw the light, I’m precious in God’s eyes.
Most times they just thought of themselves
And left me on a shelf.
I don’t care if they make it with me or not
Now I have confidence, lots.
If they don’t get their act together
Jesus give me friends in good measure
To the ones I had who made me feel bad.
I’ve seen the Enemy’s ploys
For taking away my joy.
I’m so much wiser now
I’ve taken to the trowel
Weeding those who are lax
I’m giving them the sack.
If they don’t choose to be better
I’m still His Treasure.
Yes I am confident Now!
Janet Vargas © March 2020
You Will Be Happier and Healthier
A Few Lines Of Friendly Advice
Don’t live by your friends choices. Make some of your own and stay
with those who make you feel good. Life’s too short for spending it
with the wrong people.
Come against friendships that are very lax and teach them not to be slack.
(you do this wisely in your thoughts)
Maybe see them less often and answer
their texts less or wait before you respond.
Human nature being what it is, they may respect you more.
Poor quality friendships can have a pull on your spiritual life
– especially if they are Christians, because of the deep questions it raises.
This affects your prayer-life as well. It simply isn’t worth all
the energy it saps – Mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Research now shows that more people are experiencing Health Issues
due to Stressful Friendships than Family Stress. I suppose that’s because
in a Family, we know their love is genuine, despite any issues and we know
what to expect. With Friends often, there can be an element of uncertainty.
I Wish You All Well.