Choosing Friends Carefully

As you may notice on this Website, I have taken on some Friendships with those who have real needs – and have leaned much weight on me – in addition to my spiritual calling in Jesus to writings and websites, where I’m giving out to others much of the time. This is a passion with me.

However, having Friendships that were not meant for me, has depleted me considerably at times. Even after losing my Mother and Sister (within 6 months) some Friends have been insensitive to my needs. Clearly speaking, Jesus did not want this for me.

I am placing a few Pages on Friendship Tips And Poems to help my Readers – Please know which Friends are Right for you and when some are Not. It can make a lot of difference. Please understand, I am not saying we should not be Compassionate – some of us need Wisdom with Compassion.

Some Pages in the ‘Sometimes Necessary Poems’ web-menu are to Release Pressure for those who have been living with Friend’s Demands Etc. Other Pages may be better suited for you, they are Gentle and Milder. Concerning Friendships, I wish to help Readers in different Ways. Peace To All.

Some content will be suited to Christians. I have no religious church affiliations.

Do Be Careful With Some – Choose Wisely Your Friends – Kindly Tell Them

Do Be Careful With Some

Some people are not content
with their choice of friends
If you’re not quite what they want
they wish to change you
and rearrange you.

They remind me of someone
who liked a house and the garden
but they disliked the furnishings within.
They seek to put their pictures up
yours aren’t good enough
so they take them down.

But you are Jesus’ precious treasure
He really loves us in full measure.
He gives giftings to express and explore
aim for friends who respect you more.
Make known your wishes before they make theirs
do this carefully, this would be wise.

Let not the wicked drive me away
(unseen enemies)
in the Arms of Jesus, I wish to stay.
For they sometimes seek to disturb through friends
do not your ears lend.
Make an Inner and Outer Circle
of those you can trust and those maybe not.

For this process, be not in a rush.
Jesus had His Inner Circle
some old and new friends prove to be hurtful.
Take time deciding how close you will be
not so quick in taking liberties.

Trust your Maker, this makes for Peace greater
Ask Him to help you in your decisions
your thoughts will less often be in derision.
Some friends are alright for Outer Circle
you should not include them in your Inner Circle
(sharing precious things)

Inner Circle is for those you can trust
they don’t seek to change you
and they do not fuss.
Think I will try this exercise
some Christians and Friends have stepped out of line.
Friends don’t have to be perfect
but they can go too far
Trust Jesus for True Friends that will last.

You do not have to impress them
or strive for their favor
they are truly genuine in nature.
You can build a relationship with them
give this time, let your spirit mend.
Some seek to rearrange this and rearrange that
but some are friends for life
Those friendships last.
“Peace to All”

Janet Vargas © 2018

Choose Wisely Your Friends

Some friends seek to play a dominant role
this is not beneficial to our soul
‘Cause it makes us feel less than whole
when things are building up to a toll.
A toll on us spiritually and also naturally
It isn’t healthy for we must feel free.
Free to be ourselves. not kept on a shelf
Look after your health, your wishes should be upheld.
A friend for life is one without strife
When you choose to confide, let your choice be wise.
Others want you to play a counselor’s role
this can really build up to a toll
They don’t want your advice
they want to suffice
by getting you down and you wear a frown.
(instead of them, so to speak)
Yes freedom with friends is what I will choose
friendships are not for feeling blue.
This could be the beginning of something new
some make poor choices, why should this be you?

Janet Vargas © 2018

Kindly Tell Them

Some people can be real energy zappers
they’re not happy until they chatter.
It would be alright if they told you once
merciless repetitions are no fun.
Can you take some wise advice?
they seek none, that is no surprise.
Do not help them dig a grave
this is not beneficial, the wise man says.
They’d do well to seek after God’s attention instead of yours
It would be better for them and make for less chores.
For Scripture says to be careful with the words of our mouths
Sometimes they do not hear this even if you were to shout.
Have you heard of being cruel to be kind? 
don’t let their words get out of line.
Counsel them with Scripture and give them a picture
That they need to be careful instead of a handful.
Explain that you were not created
to take both your weight
so take it to Jesus for both your sakes.
For His shoulders are bigger than ours –
to send their requests up on a glory cloud.
It is not right that they should over-impose
when God is so much more able – His Grace to bestow.
If they would just go to Him instead of sisters and brothers
The answers’ with Him, that is with no other.
So limit their chatter this really does matter.
Miracles in the making for those forsaking
poor choices in speech encourage them to seek
The Face of God on this earthly sod.
What Joy restored, I wish for more.

Janet Vargas © 2018


How easy it is to forget things Jesus shows us and leadings He gives us at different times. Sometimes we can be better at recognizing some-one else’s needs than our own. I was shown these things some years ago but made an exception for someone I was fond of who needed support. Sometimes our compassion can outweigh commonsense if we’re not careful.

Two years later, I’ve had to make a Necessary Decision I should have made then. We could possibly contact each-other later, less often – that works for some people. I did however, tell another person that I could not keep relating with someone who wished to rearrange me (she wanted me to take up her interest instead of Websites because she doesn’t like Technology – can you imagine that?)

Friends, know what’s right for you, who’s right for you and True Friends will like you as you are. They don’t find a need to change and rearrange you (those people are missing something in themselves – not sure what it is) CHEERS!