Sometimes Necessary Poems

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There are Poems with Helpful Content in Pages of this WebMenu for people who are finding certain Friendships Stressful, One-Way or Exhausting etc. On the Internet, we sometimes find lovely poems from people with close and happy friendships……we also find toxic poems from people who spitefully write about friends they had. I’ve sometimes felt there needs to be Poems that are somewhere in between, that can help those who have/had stressful friendships no-one is addressing. Hence I have decided to make this website which will also include lots of Tips and Advice in the interest of better friendships.

I’ve experienced both GOOD and Not-So-Good Friendships that really stressed me out for a considerable amount of time…… this really sapped my energies and imposed on my mental real-estate. When I said goodbye to the last offender in 2020 (I was making an exception for because she had certain needs but so did I in no small way after so much of her behavior, unbelievable) I was so relieved.

In 2012 I commenced writing Pleasant Inspirational Poems including some nice Friendship Poems, and when I got into making Multi-Websites some months later, I haven’t written as many since. However, when I lost my Mum and Sister 6 years ago I was inspired with lots of Poems for them. The same thing occurred in March 2020 when I experienced a real sense of Joy and Freedom after saying I would not contact the person I mentioned again. Also, recently a very good friend suddenly went silent for weeks after a simple misunderstanding and never contacted me again (not long after deciding to make a friendship website actually) Once again I’m writing Poems.

Collectively, these Poems should prove helpful to some of my Readers because there is a certain amount of awakening and wisdom and relief in different ones you may learn a few beneficial things from. There are also some you may identify with, whereby you will not feel so alone and “why did this happen to me?”

I wish you well.