God-Given Friends

Some of us have experienced the beauty and blessings of a God-Given Friendship, one can only attribute to a Loving Creator – they can be very loyal, often cheery, attentive to your interests, faithfully engage with us often, whatever, they are “God’s Special People” so to speak, who make a real difference in our hearts and lives. God truly bless them for their worth Today!

God Sends

I think that God will never send,
A gift so precious as a friend,

A friend who always understands,
And fills each need as it demands,

Whose loyalty will stand the test,
When skies are bright or overcast,

Who sees the faults that merit blame,
But keeps on loving just the same,

Who does far more than creeds could do,
To make us good, to make us true,

Earth’s gifts a sweet contentment lend,
But only God can give a friend.

By Rosalie Carter

Why God Gave Us Friends

GOD knew that everyone needs
Companionship and cheer,
He knew that people need someone
Whose thoughts are always near.

He knew they need someone kind.
To lend a helping hand.
Someone to gladly take the time
To care and understand.

GOD knew that we all need someone
To share each happy day,
To be a source of courage
When troubles come our way.

Someone to be true to us,
Whether near or far apart.
Someone whose love we’ll always
Hold and treasure in our hearts.

That’s Why GOD Gave Us Friends!

By Gerry Mark

To Special Friends

Friends like you are so hard to find,
They are like precious diamonds;
With a sparkling smile, and extremely kind.
Always there with a comforting word,
And just knowing what to do and say;
Your friends cries for help always heard.
So I want you to know, with all my heart,
Just what your friendship means to me,
As the old year begins to depart.
You are important to me, my dear friend.
So I’ll keep you in my heart all our days;
I’ll hold on tight, so our friendship will never end.
Have a very healthy and happy New Year.
God bless you always.

Author Unknown

We Never Thank the Sun

We never thank the sun enough
For all it does for us.
For all the light it shines around,
For the warmth and the beauty and love.

It just stays there every day,
A sparkle in the sky.
We never stop to thank it, though,
As it goes shining by.

I think that friends are like the sun,
In this way if no other.
We relish their beauty and bask in their warmth,
But never say so to one another.

So am I taking this chance to say,
Loud and proud and true,
That I am so thankful that you are my friend,
And that I get to be a friend to you.

By poemsandoccasions.com